1.1 Writing: As A Communication Tool
When you ask a pen to your friend or request a waiter to bring a Pizza for you or give your sister some study tips, it’s nothing else but communication. Here you are playing the role of the sender, and the other person is a recipient, in between, there are messages, mediums or channels, actions, feedback, and more.
In definition, Communication is the way of sharing feelings, thoughts, and ideas from one person, group, or place to one or more person, group, or place through a process of encoding and decoding system of data or messages. Whatever, the process can be, there must have a proper and understandable meaning for the audiences. If anyone fails to convey the meaning of the message what he is saying to others, it won't be hygienic and hearty for communication. Thus, the messages should be clear, concise, correct, and complete as well as courteous.
There are two main types of communication, including non-verbal communication (haptic, chronemic, gestures, body language, facial expressions, and eye contact) and verbal communication (spoken, or written). In the interest of our context, we are going to avoid all the above complexion of communication, and considering only the writing as a tool of communication.
Writing as a communication tool
As writing is a part of the communication system, the principle of written communication is similar to overall communication. But the only key difference is that it is in the written form of communication by using signs, symbols, alphabet, text, etc. Though it is considered more formal than oral communication, but not the less effective, and it has the power of interacting with others. Besides, writing can be used as the pieces of legal evidence of a company or personal agreement of a man.
Basically, writing is not only a written language, but it is also a tool of communication. From the beginning of the writing system, it has been furnishing our daily life with its glory, but now it becomes flashing like a tube-light of a dark room and sometimes enhancing even more dynamic than we think in the information age. For example, in previous decades, many companies hired the man who could translate their idea on paper, but now for babbling of internet access and growing digital marketing era, they focus on creative employees for developing a positive business relationship with customers. As a result, they are opening new doors for writers.
Another good aspect is that writing is time-consuming. No one won’t need to meet physically for getting informed about messages or instructions. So, it can be cost-effective for large companies. And there are still more engaging things about writing is as to be a tool of connecting two or more people around the world.
The process of Written Communication
The process of writing communication begins when an idea or idea waves into one's mind. Then the person observes the utility of the idea, if it seems something impactful for the company or himself, he may draw his finger on paper or digital environment and make a human-readable message. Here he works as a sender and transmits the message through a medium or channel to another corner where the other person (receiver) is staying. After Receiving and considering the message, the receiver will respond according to the data, and then he will take the necessary steps.
However, the message will not work if the message is unclear, objectionable, and incomplete. So, the sender must ensure the clarity of his point of view in short lines.
What can writing do?
Writing has the ability to records the arguments, laws, and ownership deeds, and so on. For example, when a company contracts with the other company or agency, there they might have signed a written argument according to the company’s terms and conditions. Both of the parties keep eyes on their own portion of interest and try to build a good relationship.
Additionally, writing keeps history alive and codify knowledge through books or curricula. In my view, it is the foremost and most exciting things that writing can do because we are climbing to the highest apex of human civilization by turning the pages of old literature.
In the modern age, writing is deeply engaged from the morning tea to the midnight drama. So, how do you deny the writing?
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