How to Use Books to Learn a New Language

Do you know how many people are straggling to learn English all over the world?
About 1.2 million people are trying to improve their English every day. Most of them learn English as their second language. For them, learning English is important to go abroad for higher study, to get a good job, to make effective business communication and so on.
Learning English is fun! When you express your desire to learn English by reading your favorite books, it will be more fun. It will give you new hope. I would like to provide the following tips that can help you to learn English when you start  to read books:
1. Read Dual Language Books
When you start reading books of a foreign language, you don’t clearly understand the concept of the book. Some times, you understand only the surface meaning that is not enough. So if you choose a book that is written in two languages- both of your own language and foreign or use a book with a paraphrase, it will help you to catch the meaning easily. You will find many famous English books that are translated into your language. You have to buy not only the translation but also the core or main book. Read it page by page and try to understand the whole concept. While reading, you can use color pens and write down your comments on the book.
2. Children’s Story Books

Children’s storybooks are written in simple words and phrases that a child can easily read and understand. This kind of book has well-known stories and it takes less time to read. Besides, Children’s storybooks don’t frustrate you, it always makes you happy, makes you feel better and give you inspiration. 
3. Comic or Cartoon Books
Comic or cartoon books will be a good choice at the elementary stage of learning a new language. There are a lot of pictures with humor and a short, fun conversation. It is written to illustrate a picture in a very different way. So, you can collect some of them and start learning with joy.

4. Daily Newspaper

Some news that is popular and well discussed, become viral on the internet every day. It is also highlighted in the daily newspaper and takes your attention too. You can select one, read it twice and try to translate it in a foreign language. Or, you can choose the writing of a foreign language and translate it into your own language. Thus, a newspaper is a great source of new and updated words, phrases, and idioms, etc. It will improve your vocabularies that are used frequently
5. Using notebook

Using a notebook is an excellent and effective idea to learn anything in a short and timely. When you find new unknown words, you can write in it. You can also draw pictures with the words that will give a visible meaning and help you to remember later. Moreover, it is important to revise your notebook regularly.     

In conclusion, Books are a source of light which enlightens you, your mind and your soul. It explores the wealth of your unknown Kingdom, the kingdom of wisdom and heaven within the world. The first time, when you learned to read something, it was a great adventure of joy, hope, and love. You would start to explore your hidden power till then and you hold it up still now.


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