
Showing posts from 2019

Top 10 Best Cloud Storage and File Sharing Service Providers

Laura Nancy, a university student, has recently completed her graduation in English. She is going to attend a convocation program arranged by her university. Before attending the pomp, she is immensely upset and worried about an issue.  Last year, she presented at fresher’s succession and took several photos. She wanted to keep those memories for the future. But, her computer was infected by a harmful virus three months later, and she lost all the necessary documents and photos. It was an unwanted accident that depressed her. To read my full content, please visit:

Little Princes 2 (রাজকন্যা ২)

Image courtesy: বাবার মুখ ছোট্ট নরম কোমল হাতে খামচে দেয়া, লুকচুরি খেলা আর অফিস যাওয়ার সময় ওর বাবার কোর্টের প্রান্ত শক্ত করে ধরে থেকে মায়া মায়া চোখে তাকিয়ে থাকা অদ্রিতার অভ্যাসে পরিণত হয়েছে। বাবা-মেয়ের খুনসুটি ও ভালবাসা দরজার কাছে দাঁড়িয়ে দেখতে থাকি। মাঝে মাঝে আমি কিছুটা রাগ করি। কিন্তু তাতে কারো বিশেষ কিছু যায় আসে না। বাবা-মেয়ে আমাকে একটু পাত্তা পর্যন্ত দেয় না! অদ্রিতার বয়স দুই বছরের কাছাকাছি। ওর বাবা প্রায়ই বলে মেয়ে তার দেখতে ঠিক আমার মত। শ্যামলা, নাক কিছুটা চ্যাপ্টা হলে ও চোখ পটলচেরা। কিন্তু চুলগুলো কার মত ঠিক জানা নেই। তবে আমি দেখতে আসলে কেমন? এবিষয় কখনো নিজের ভাবনা প্রগাড় হয়নি। একটা মানুষ দেখতে কেমন সেটা মানুষের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি ও বিশ্লেষণী ক্ষমতার উপর নির্ভর করে। কারো কাছে কৃষ্ণবর্ণ দেবীর উপমা, আবার কারো কাছে ফর্সা ত্বক সর্গের হুরপরীর সদৃশ। বাবা চলে যাওয়ার পর অদ্রিতা মাঝে মাঝে কান্না করে আবার কখনও বা মন খারাপ করে বসে থাকে। ওকে শান্ত করতে আমার কিছুটা বেগ পেতে হয়। কখন বা রুপকথার গল্প বলে, কখন বা টিভির কার্টুন দেখিয়ে অথবা খেলনার পরসা সাজিয়ে বসতে হয়। ও রুপকথা বোঝে কিনা...

Augusta Ada: The first programmer

Image Augusta Ada was the daughter of the Lord Byron, the English magnate.  Though her father was one of the most influential poets of the English Literature and she had elite blood in her body, she devoted herself to the realm of science. She also passed her childhood with the noble Victorian family.  When Augusta got marriage, she received the title of Countess of Lovelace, and she could spend her whole life relaxing.  But, she left all the bonds of traditional life and became skilled in Mathematics. It was not the end here that she was one of the first computer programmers. Ada Lovelace was born in London (England) on 10 December 1815. She was the only child of the poet Lord Byron and Lady Byron. When Lady Byron gave birth to a baby girl, our passionate poet didn’t be happy with it and became very disappointed. He expected the baby would be a glorious boy who came out great fame for the family.  After a couple of weeks later, B...

10 Most Popular Video Game for Linux

Video games have become an increasingly momentous sector of the entertainment industry since the 1980s. They are also a form of art, but sometimes it is a matter of dispute. Moreover, the most interactive graphic interface of video games now attracts people more than that of the last decades. To read my blog, kindly visit:

Top 12 Best Operating Systems (OS) for Your Pc

Operating System is software that enables a computer to manage hardware and software. It operates some basic functionality such as scheduling tasks, and controlling peripherals. It also manages input and output operation, memory allocation, and program execution, etc. To read my full blog, visit:
মায়া ডি ফ্রাংক পর্ব-০১  শুরুটা ১৯৪২ সালের শেষ দিকে। দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের বিভৎসতা ৪র্থ বছরেও কমেনি। বরং বিষাক্ত কালো ধোঁয়ার কুণ্ডলী আরও বড় হচ্ছে। একদিকে অক্ষশক্তির কেন্দ্রীয় নেতৃত্বে হিটলার আর অন্যদিকে মিত্রশক্তির জোট ক্রমেই বৃদ্ধি পাচ্ছে।  ভাবা হচ্ছিল হিটলারের সুদক্ষ যুদ্ধ পরিচালনার কাছে হার মানতে বাধ্য হবে বিশ্ব শক্তি। জাপান এই কূটকৌশলে জার্মানির প্রধান অস্ত্র।  অন্যদিকে ইংরেজ সেনাপতির নজর আমেরিকাকে পাশে পাওয়া।  দুই শক্তিশালী দলের মাঝে অবস্থান করছে চীন, রাশিয়ার মাস্টার মাইন্ড ব্রেন। এক কথায় কেউ কারোও সাথে কম যায় না। তবে, যুদ্ধ বর্ণনা করা আমার শোভা পায় না। আমি কোন ইতিহাসবিদ নয়, এবিষয়ে কথা বললে ভুলের মাসুল দিতে দিতেই আমার দম বের হয়ে যাবে।  আর তাতে গল্পের সলিলসমাধি ঘটানো মুশকিল হয়ে যাবে। দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের সময় হিটলারের ইহুদীবিদ্বেষী নীতি প্রয়োগ করার জন্য কাজ করছে বিশেষ নাৎসি বাহিনী।  তারা গ্রাম, পাড়া মহল্লা, শহরের গলি থেকে ইহুদী মানুষদের খুঁজে এনে বিশেষ টর্চার সেলে আটকে রাখত। আর এই সেলেই ভাগ্যর নির্মাণ পরিনতিতে আটকে পরেছিল মায়া ডি ফ্রাংক। ষোল ...

Consider Seven Things Before Moving Abroad for Higher Study

Representational Image (Photo: Getty) Many students from Bangladesh has a strong desire to study abroad after completing HSC or undergraduate degrees. According to the latest survey, UNESCO says that 60,390 Bangladeshi students were imitating higher education abroad. To read my full blog, please visit:

10 Most Popular Video Games: Recently Released

Do you think that playing games are the worst?  Maybe when you play a game, both of your parents and friends blame you for wasting valuable time. Many people think that playing games are nothing good but a waste of time.  To read my full blog, please visit:

The 3-D Rule of Success

A story,  a story about success- Everyone wants, wants to be successful, They spend, spend their entire life - But one day, one day they realize - Their time's up, and they have to go forever. Success demands value, energy, passion, and sacrifice. The person who can fulfill these demands can create the story. Otherwise, he has to run over randomly towards success. Now, if I say, there are some rules and regulations to solve mathematical equations, will you be surprised? I hope you won't. Like mathematical equations, success also follows some rules. Some of them are scientifically proven, and the others are oral. Everyone can learn and be master of them by practicing. Today, I would like to share with you the keys to success.  It is also called the 3-D rules that I have found over the way of my life. If you follow this formula, you will be able to control your life and reach the top of success. 1. D The first D prevails in desire.  It is not the same as ...

Top 5 Job Skills for the 21st Century

Photo by  Elevate Digital  from  Pexels The winds of change are blowing around. In line with this, the job market has undergone many changes. Some jobs sector is becoming a crisis, and the others are spreading day by day. But the burning question is that what will happen in the long run? Will human beings be able to cope up with the business revolution? Will they be able to challenge with Robots in the workplace? Yeah, I hope we will be able to secure our future. Besides, human beings have the power to control over that of foolish robot or unwanted situations. Adapting to the business revolution is hard but not difficult at all. For this, we need to have some skills to survive in the 21st century. Some of these are ICT skills, another are Communication skills and the other is creative skills. Employers are looking for these skills and may ask the question in the viva.  Here are five less obvious ones for you so that you will prepare yourself be...

How to Earn Money While You Are A Student

Image courtesy: Once a time of student life, you have to face a critical situation that matters for you. Sometimes, you may need some extra money for tuition fees, apartment costs as well as pocket money. You pick up your phone and fail to call on your old father. Asking for money is hard because you won't like to pressurize your family. It's a common scenario not only to you but also to me too. To avoid this kind of complicated hover, everyone needs to be independent. Besides, money only doesn't bring your freedom but also respect and encourage you to be more confident. So, It would be embarrassing for you to earn money and spend on your living and sometimes for others. Here, I would like to share some of my friend's stories about how they earn money so that you can find a way and become self-reliant. 1. Teaching Teaching is the most priority of earning money while you are a student. It's the most popular and flexible job f...

3 Adventure Books from Ed Stafford

ED STAFFORD Are you interested in reading adventure books? If so, this article is for you today. Edward James Stafford is known as ED Stafford. He was born at Peterborough in the United Kingdom on December 26, 1975. He is the first man to walk the Amazon River and holds the Guinness World Record as an English Explorer. Stafford began his survival journey with his friend named Luke Collyer in 2008. After three months later, Collyer left Stafford alone. But he continued the unfinished race. On 9 August 2010, he achieved the Guinness World Record in recognition of his daring work. It was a great achievement for his survival career. After a year later, the Royal Scottish Geographical Society selected him for the European Adventurer of the Year and the Mungo Park Medal. Then Stafford went on a series of expeditions and has taught people to think outside the circle. He made a large number of documentary videos for Discovery TV. His first documentary was about 60 days of s...

How to Get a Better Preparation for Exam

An examination is knocking at the door. A long syllabus is still untouched. Himadri, a ten-grade student is sitting at the last blanch of her class. She is looking very upset. Miss Shammi, her class teacher, is observing her from the beginning of the class. After the class, she asks Himadri what happened to her. Read more: My blog has published here.

Failure Can Be Your Turning Point

Malala Yousafzai, a young girl who has won Nobel Prize for her bereaving steps towards spreading female education in Pakistan. She is still now a bold voice of youth and the hope of thousands of girls. Her inspirit story encourages young girls to stand up and fly their dreams in the sky. Malala inspires them to start the journey from the beginning when they become hopeless and failed to hold their dreams. At a stage of our life, we have failed in a short time and become frustrated. But it is important how we look over our failures. Is it a curse or a disaster for us? Or, will we take a lesson from it? I believe you might choose the second one. You will learn from your every single failure or frustration and will find a new way. You have to believe that next time you can do it in different ways and the result will be more effective and efficient. Here are given some tips for you so that you can easily handle the critical situation of your life. 1. Confess your fault You s...

Happy Period

Every girl and woman goes under a situation every month. It is her period. It is a natural process and can't be worst-ever. Sometimes, it can be painful but it is not totally rough. Here are some tips that help you to feel better at the time of your period: Reduce Spasm:   Before or after starting your period, if you feel spasm inside your abdomen, you are not alone. Most of the girls face it and also feel backaches. Because, at the time of period, Uterine cells will be started put off. And, you may think, during this period, you should not go out, don't play outside with your friends. But it is not ok. Physical exercise may help you to be active your muscles and reduce your pain. You have to remember that it is important to use clean clothes or sanitary napkin. Dirty clothes can occur infection and you may attack by harmful bacteria. Also, to reduce pain, you can take a bath with warm water or use a little warmer clothes' scald. And the good news that this kind of...

Sign Language Leads a Large Community

When a baby girl was born, the Dutt family was overjoyed and busy with how to take care of it. They started assigning for the best things in the world. Like other babies, the girl named Nitu was growing up and trying to learn her mother tongue. When she was six, she was suffered from heavy fever and lost her hearing ability. From then Nitu can' t hear her mother voices or her friend laughs. But she would try to understand her mother's facial expressions or body movements and follow what her mother does. When Nitu's parents became sure that she was deaf, they admitted her an infant special care school. She began to learn Sign Language. She started to talk again with handshape words. She used touched chin with thumb 5 for 'Mom' or crossed arms at the chest for 'Love'. Sign Language broke down Nitu's silence and gave her a new way of communication with her parents and others. It really changed her life. Why people become deaf? Deaf people can...